Rootscan is a Block Explorer tailored for The Root Network, an innovative decentralized network.
Privacy PolicyExtrinsic ID | Extrinsic Method | Timestamp | Amount / TokenID(s) | From | To | ||
18401847-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 526,853,974.3266709 | ||||
18401839-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | |||||
16942593-1 | Nft Transfer Nft Transfer | In | |||||
16942589-1 | Nft Transfer Nft Transfer | In | |||||
16941851-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 123,934,414.47767416 | ||||
16599362-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 59,686,277 | ||||
16599348-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 59,686,276.81658777 | ||||
16438422-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 82,060,527 | ||||
16438403-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 82,060,526.50293759 | ||||
16438395-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | |||||
16199493-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 79,511,387 | ||||
16199482-1 | Fee Proxy Call With Fee Preferences Assets Transferred | In | |||||
16199462-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
16199445-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 79,511,386.92449312 | ||||
16199432-1 | Fee Proxy Call With Fee Preferences Assets Transferred | In | |||||
15962560-2 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 77,754,954 | ||||
15962549-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 77,754,954.01280701 | ||||
15715560-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 89,765,509 | ||||
15715551-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | |||||
15715522-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 89,765,509.24399441 | ||||
15449537-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 115,096,894 | ||||
15449528-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 115,096,882.6964699 | ||||
15449517-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | |||||
15449494-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In |