Rootscan is a Block Explorer tailored for The Root Network, an innovative decentralized network.
Privacy PolicyExtrinsic ID | Extrinsic Method | Timestamp | Amount / TokenID(s) | From | To | ||
18700348-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
11019001-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
11018987-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
9873284-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
9873240-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
9873131-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
9489674-1 | Ethereum Transact Nft Transfer | Out | |||||
Assets Issued | In | 479 |