Rootscan is a Block Explorer tailored for The Root Network, an innovative decentralized network.
Privacy PolicyExtrinsic ID | Extrinsic Method | Timestamp | Amount / TokenID(s) | From | To | ||
18756615-1 | Vortex Distribution Pay Unsigned Assets Transferred | In | 0.098802 | ||||
16970061-1 | Vortex Distribution Pay Unsigned Assets Transferred | In | 0.116484 | ||||
14828996-1 | Vortex Distribution Pay Unsigned Assets Transferred | In | 0.12307 | ||||
12939188-1 | Vortex Distribution Pay Unsigned Assets Transferred | In | 0.132954 | ||||
11727982-1 | Utility Batch Nft Mint | In | - | ||||
10976561-1 | Vortex Distribution Pay Unsigned Assets Transferred | In | 0.152543 | ||||
9341561-2 | Balances Transfer Balances Transfer | In | 36.59 | ||||
9035828-1 | Vortex Distribution Pay Unsigned Assets Transferred | In | 0.168209 | ||||
8976924-3 | Balances Transfer Balances Transfer | In | 16.48 | ||||
8678636-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Balances Transfer | Out | |||||
8397513-21 | Balances Transfer Balances Transfer | In | 5.42 | ||||
7955315-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
7955306-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
7955298-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | Out | 1.5 | ||||
7955264-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | Out | 1.5 | ||||
7951367-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
7949853-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In | |||||
Assets Issued | In | 0.00001 | |||||
7949843-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In | |||||
Assets Issued | In | 0.00001 | |||||
7917135-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In | |||||
7917133-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In | |||||
Assets Issued | In | 0.00001 | |||||
Assets Issued | In | 0.00001 |