Rootscan is a Block Explorer tailored for The Root Network, an innovative decentralized network.
Privacy PolicyExtrinsic ID | Extrinsic Method | Timestamp | Amount / TokenID(s) | From | To | ||
18382825-1 | Ethereum Transact Balances Transfer | In | 500 | ||||
15519070-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 52,590,428 | ||||
15519066-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | |||||
15519041-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 52,590,428.47380326 | ||||
15044050-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 97,838,013.08859381 | ||||
15044039-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 47,114,848.09433503 | ||||
15044025-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | |||||
14763084-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | 3.7 | ||||
14467314-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 50,723,164.994258784 | ||||
14467307-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | |||||
14075735-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 19,621,321.977548204 | ||||
14075725-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 19,621,321.977548204 | ||||
13982766-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 103,092,785 | ||||
13982760-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | |||||
13982742-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | 103,091,785 | ||||
13982722-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | 1,000 | ||||
13927994-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 8,358,048.974184827 | ||||
13927986-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Assets Transferred | In | |||||
13927902-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 3,812,313.9775142586 | ||||
13927897-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 4,545,734.996670568 | ||||
13756375-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 2,409,193.891968808 | ||||
13756334-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 2,409,193.891968808 | ||||
13706543-1 | Ethereum Transact Balances Transfer | Out | 500 | ||||
13706528-1 | Futurepass Proxy Extrinsic Balances Transfer | In | 500 |