Event ID | Block | Extrinsic ID | Timestamp | Pallet | Method |
12057013-1 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Balances | Transfer | |
12057013-2 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Assets | Transferred | |
12057013-3 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Assets | Issued | |
12057013-4 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Dex | Swap | |
12057013-5 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Assets Ext | Internal Withdraw | |
12057013-6 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Assets | Burned | |
12057013-7 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Nft | Mint | |
12057013-8 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Crowdsale | Crowdsale N F T Redeemed | |
12057013-9 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Proxy | Proxy Executed | |
12057013-10 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Futurepass | Proxy Executed | |
12057013-11 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Fee Proxy | Call With Fee Preferences | |
12057013-12 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Assets Ext | Internal Deposit | |
12057013-13 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | Transaction Payment | Transaction Fee Paid | |
12057013-14 | 12057013 | 12057013-1 | System | Extrinsic Success |
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